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Facing the changes of technology revolution 4.0. CAD / CAM Vietnam Technology Co., Ltd is honored to coordinate with military units to organize a workshop to improve capacity for military factories in the army. (From July 25-26, July 2019)

The training workshop has received the attention of numerous officials and employees in factories and enterprises … The content of the conference was cited from the people’s army newspaper as follows:

During 2 days, more than 110 students will be trained 6 topics including: Economic-Technical Norms; the application in the entire VKTBKT repair factory; strengthen implementation of technical management regulations in VKTBKT repair factories. Agree on documents to repair VKTBKT; the management of defense product prices; update some current mechanical processing knowledge, introduce data digitization, 3D printing and automatic in factories; introduction of ISO 9001-2015, lean lean improvement tools and 5S implementation in enterprises; Introducing the contents of 4.0 Smart Factory.

Practitioners visit the equipment and machinery displayed at the conference.

Speaking at the conference, Major General Hoang Tien Tung, Deputy Chairman of the General Department of Technology said that the technical management work in VKTBKT repair factories has been deployed, applied and achieved certain effects. . However, recently, the maintenance of implementation of technical management regulations has not been given adequate attention, some factories, agencies and workshops have not focused on technological factors such as equipment. , premises, environment, technology materials and workers … so the working environment has a place that is not guaranteed for production, also to happen unsafe labor and directly affect the quality of repair VKTBKT . Therefore, the need to maintain and better implement technical management work in VKTBKT repair factories becomes a regular task; thoroughly grasp, implement seriously to further improve the quality of VKTB repair and ensure safety for workers, weapons and equipment.

News, photos: THUY AN
